
Händlerbund - Versandlogistiker

As the largest association in online commerce, Händlerbund represents eCommerce and serves as its partner. The association promotes exchange among merchants and service providers in order to sustainably support digital and stationary commerce now and develop it for the future. Thanks to representation of interests and bundled services in all of Europe, Händlerbund along with its members and partners actively shapes the industry.

Further information

Representative and partner of eCommerce

Händlerbund was founded in 2008 in Leipzig and has remarkably fast grown into the largest association of online trade in Europe by providing professional eCommerce services. With over 40,000 web sites supported by Händlerbund, we really know what goes on in the industry. The interests as well as the challenges of our small and medium businesses are matters close to our hearts and allows us to jointly shape the trends and solutions of the industry.

Exchange between merchants and service providers

We see the eCommerce industry in its entirety as it has been and remains a fundamental economic factor of our country. Included are online merchants who build online shops from ground up until they are fully functional; included are above all the service providers with whom we jointly develop the industry further and create synergy.

Digital and stationary trade

As digital trade is undergoing development, stationary trade should not be left unattended. We pay as much attention to a merchant who runs a corner grocery shop as to a merchant selling groceries online. Only through cooperation of both of these groups can we produce solutions and innovations for trade and apply them.

Representation of interests in all of Europe

We also represent interests of our industry using political means. The institution of the advisory council to Händlerbund has allowed us to create a platform that enables exchange between merchants and service providers and formulation of recommendations of merchants to politicians. With the help of our office in Berlin, we bundle these interests and address politics and other associations as a competent partner. As we serve businesses from Austria, Spain, France, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Denmark, Belgium, Greece and Netherlands, we also notice the European solutions for the industry. Being part of the umbrella organisation E-Commerce Europe, we are able to further these solutions and interests whilst assisting in the European legal development with our expertise.

Member network

In order to jointly design innovations in the eCommerce industry, we as Händlerbund have a strong and multifaceted member network. Cooperation and pilot projects allow us to support exciting innovations, inspiration and sources of creativity that help both us as Händlerbund and the in industry as a whole.

Partner details

from 2015 www.haendlerbund.de

Other partners

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